doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc., Ing. Slávka Jadlovská, PhD., Ing Matej Oravec, Ing. Ján Čabala, Ing. Dominik Vošček, Bc. Erik Hanc and Milan Tkáčik took part in a business trip, dealing with DARMA tasks (Čabala and Hanc), data reader simulator (Oravec and Vošček) and extension of DCS communication management architecture for ITS (Tkáčik).
Archív kategorií: Business trips
Business trip February/March 2017
doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc., Ing. Slávka Jadlovská, PhD., Ing. Dominik Vošček and Milan Tkáčik took part in a business trip, dealing with the solution of the task and the development of the workplace for testing critical temperatures of individual parts of the pixel detector.
Business trip December 2016
Doc. Ing. Jan Jadlovsky, CsC. attended a business trip (December 2016).
Business trip June/July 2016
Ing. Michal Kopčík and Ing. Michal Varga attended a business trip in CERN.
Business trip May/June 2016
Doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc. and Ing. Matej Oravec took part in a business trip in CERN in connection with the implementation of tasks related to the DCS experiment ALICE. As part of these tasks, we implemented a laboratory workplace with the same structure and program modules in the laboratory of the Organization for Nuclear Research CERN in Geneva as implemented in the laboratory V142 DCAI, FEEI, TU. Negotiations were also conducted with the presentation of the tasks solved so far and further progress in the solution of the tasks related to the DCS experiment ALICE was consulted.
Business trip January 2016
Doc. Ing. Jan Jadlovsky, CSc., Ing. Michal Varga and Ing. Dominik Vošček attended a business trip in CERN.
Business trip July 2015
Ing. Matej Oravec and Ing. Michal Kopčík attended a business trip in CERN.
Business trip March 2015
Ing. Matej Oravec attended a business trip in CERN.
Part of the work consisted of creating a driver for the cooling device Hubert MiniChiller H1 plus and its connection with WINCC OA. The cooling device is connected to the PC via the RS232 serial interface. The device driver is implemented in C++ programming language (under OS Windows) and contains programmed communication with the device (writing data to the serial port and their encoding/decoding into a form understandable for the connected cooling device). The driver has also implemented DIM server functionality and sends data from the device to the visualization in WINCC. The visualization contains functions for controlling the cooling device from the PC.
The next part of the work consisted of creating communication between the card being developed, called the Readout Board (RB) and the WINCC OA tool. Communication was realized in C/C++ language (under OS SLC 6) with implemented DIM server functionality. The card is still in development and its functionality is still limited.
Business trip February 2015
Members of CMCT&II participated on business trip at CERN:
- doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc.
- Ing. Matej Oravec
- Ing. Ján Čabala
During their stay, they worked on the implementation of analytical and programming work in connection with the development of the new generation of Pixel detector. After consulting and coordinating consultations with project management headed by project manager Luciano Mousa, we determined the scope of work in detector development. Subsequently, we received data (electrical diagrams of the power supply of the detector, blocking and cooling system as well as data in connection with the connection of these modules to the DCS experiment ALICE).
Then we took over the available peripherals (new Huber cooling module, existing CAEN power supply). These peripherals were connected to a computer server with WINCC OA installed. During our stay a program interface for Huber cooling module was created and together with the CAEN power module the mentioned peripherals were logically and physically connected to DCS ALICE during our stay.
In this way, a workplace has been created which can also be operated via remote access.
In addition, discussions were held on HepTech’s activities and the joint conference „CERN’s amazing world and its research – become part of it“.
Business trip March 2014
Members of CMCT&II participated on business trip at CERN:
doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc., Ing. Matej Čopík, Ing. Slávka Jadlovská, Ing. Peter Papcun, Ing. Jakub Čerkala a Ing. Michal Kopčík with a purpose to implement a solution of research task AMANDA SERVER 3.