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The Experiment ALICE at LHC in CERN: Study of strongly interacting matter in extreme conditions – March 2016

Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic signed on 3rd March 2016 the Contract on Provision of Funds for Co-financing of Research and Development Project ALICE CERN at FEEI TU in Košice for the period from 2016 to 2020.
Guarantor of cooperation between FEEI, TU in Košice and CERN is doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc. (Team Leader for TU, Košice).

Project character: Elementary research

Field of research and development : Nuclear and subnuclear physics

Responsible coordinator for FEEI-TU: doc. Ing. Jadlovský Ján, CSc.

Project research is focused on three fields:

  • the control of the pixel detector
  • development of the HIC (Hybrid Integrated Circuit) designed for acquisition and processing signals from ALICE detectors
  • development of program modules for the control communication architecture DCS

Contract no. 0222/2016 on the provision of funds for the co-financing of the research and development project ALICE CERN:

Project solvers at DCAI FEEI TU in Košice:


PhD students:


  •     Bc. Tkáčik Tomáš
  •     Bc. Pavol Tomko

Due to the compatibility of the DCS of DCAI FEEI TUKE and the DCS of the ALICE experiment, the mode workplace is created, that allows the development of basic network infrastructure designed for the ALICE Inner Tracking System. The model workplace includes the basic hardware and software tools used in the CERN ALICE experiment using CERN’s licenses under the signed ALICE Collaboration Memorandum. Individual parts of this infrastructure (hardware and software) will be continuously updated in accordance with the ALICE ITS development process.

Laboratory of ALICE experiment at LHC in CERN (upgrade of ITS within the DCS) (Vysokoškolská 4, V142b)

Co-solvers of the project:

Technical University of Košice accepted as a full member of ALICE collaboration – March 2015

The international plenary of the ALICE collaboration at CERN in Geneva approved the acceptance of TU in Košice (as the only Technical University in Slovakia) as a full member of the mentioned collaboration.


AL_logoAs of 12 October 2012, the Technical University of Košice was accepted as an associated member of the ALICE project at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). On this occasion an article about our university was published in the ALICE MATTERS newsletter. Members of the Center of Modern Control Techniques and Industrial Informatics at DCAI FEEI TU are involved in project-related tasks. They started to work on upgrade of the DCS (Detector Control System) at CERN with an emphasis on optimizing the process of data exchange between online and offline databases.

The international plenary of the CERN ALICE collaboration in Geneva approved on 13th March 2015 the Acceptance of the Technical University in Košice (as the only Technical University in Slovakia) as a full member of the above mentioned collaboration.

Workshop ALICE – November 2014

Members of the CMCT&II research team attended a series of lectures led by CERN members at the ALICE Workshop organized by doc. Jadlovský in Košice.
The Workshop also included a presentation of the current status of task being solved by members of CMCT&II.
individual blocks:

  • Chochula, Peter: The ALICE Detector Control System
  • Chochula, Peter: DCS and the ALICE 02 Project, DCS Workshop Košice (november)
  • Senyukov, Serhyi: Detector Control System of Alice ITS
  • Senyukov, Serhyi: DCS of the ITS Upgrade
  • Bond, Peter: Introduction to Computing Architecture: ALICE DCS
  • Pinazza, Ombretta: Introduction to WinCC OA