Archívy autora: Milan Tkáčik

Visit of the ALICE project team from CERN at TUKE – April 2013

Members of the ALICE project team from CERN visited the Technical University of Košice (at the invitation of doc. Jadlovský) on April 13 – 15, 2013.

The ALICE project team was represented by:
André Augustinus, (Belgium)
Pierre Vande Vyvre, (France)
Karel Šafařík, (Slovakia)
Peter Chochula, (Slovakia)

Schedule of the visit:
10th April 2013: Consultations of the research team of doc. Jadlovský with doc. Ing. Peter Chochula, CSc.
11th April 2013: Prof. Sinčák and Heads of Centers presented the Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence to the ALICE team.
11th April 2013: Block of four lectures about CERN, ALICE project and their work on the experiment.
12th April 2013: Research team of doc. Jadlovský presents Amanda Server 3 solution to the ALICE project team and its possibilities for further improvement.
The dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics – prof. Ing. Liberios Vokorokos, PhD negotiated with the ALICE project team at a business lunch.

The rector of the TUKE Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Anton Cizmar, CSc was dedicated to the ALICE project teem during the work meeting.

Reception of TUKE as an associated member of the ALICE project at CERN – October 2012

Technical University of Košice was accepted as an associated member of the ALICE project at CERN.
The head of the newly created research team on behalf of TUKE has become doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc.
The team consists of members of the Center of Modern Control Techniques and Industrial Informatics at DCAI, FEEI, TUKE.